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11100 Warner Ave. Suite 258, Fountain Valley, CA
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Wound Care

Wounds are a complex disease process which can dramatically impact an individual’s life.  Wounds can lead to loss of function, loss of limb and even loss of life. 

Wound Care is a specialty Dr. Tutela, is adept at treating and managing. Dr. Tutela is certified in hyperbaric medicine and offers wound care services The Wound Care Center in Monroe, NJ as well as Robert Wood Johnson-Barnabus Health and St Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ.

Wound conditions vary and include Diabetic Foot Ulcers, Venous Stasis Ulcers, Traumatic Wounds as well as Arterial Ulcers, Pressure Ulcers/”Bed-Sores”, Radiation and Surgical Wounds.  Each condition requires a tailored approach individualized to every patient.

Dr. Tutela begins his approach by identifying and treating medical conditions which may exacerbate the wound.  Next, he works with patients to improve the nutritional foundation for healing their wounds.  This includes supplementation of protein, amino-acids,  multivitamins and essential minerals.  Then he addresses the local wound environment by performing serial, weekly debridements and application of advanced topical compounds.  These constitute enzymatic ointments, collagen, cellulose and other natural products as well as include Silver based and Biologic products. These dressings are then  reinforced with optimal secondary dressings which address edema and offloading.  In specialized circumstances Hyperbaric therapy is also initiated.

As an Affiliate of Healogics Wound Care Center, Dr. Tutela is able to tap into one of the nation’s largest wound care databases and leading expert in evidence-based wound care.  With Healogics at

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