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pH testing and GERD

New Jersey GERD DoctorsA recent study presented at a national meeting in Chicago last year found pH testing important part of the work-up when evaluating individuals with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Esophagitis.  While those found to have high grade esophagitis may not need further testing it was still recommended in those with low grade esophagitis.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11605-017-3554-

Diagnosing GERD is typically made by combining symptoms and objective testing.  Objective testing typically involves pH testing, endoscopy and manometry. Physicians may choose to trial patients with PPI’s alone and see how they respond to those medications.  If choosing a surgical solution, pH testing is typically used when uncertainty of the condition exists or GERD is not confirmed on endoscopy. Endoscopy is the one study all patients undergoing surgery to treat GERD, should have.  While a Barium Swallow is not indicated to diagnose GERD it is sometimes used to help delineate anatomy for the surgeon or help identify shortened esophagus in individuals with a hiatal hernia.

If you are considering a surgical solution to your chronic GERD, Dr. Rocco Tutela, can help you by offering minimally invasive techniques.

Contact Dr. Rocco Tutela at (732) 846-9500, if you are interested in finding out more about a permanent solution to your chronic GERD problems.

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