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Colon Disease

Dr Rocco Tutela often performs these procedures laparoscopically.

Diverticulosis is a benign disease process which is by far the most frequent cause of colon disease which requires surgical intervention. Diverticulosis is a natural process of the colon which occurs due to a combination of aging and diet. Over time the inner lining of the colon pouches out through the muscular layer of the colon, these outpouchings are called diverticula. These outpouchings can fill with products of digestion. The colon is constantly secreting fluid through its inner lining and if products of digestion are unable to escape these diverticula the diverticula will burst and infection sets in. This infection is called diverticulitis. Diverticulitis can manifest as mild, not requiring much more than treatment with antibiotics alone. It can, however, require hospitalization, IV antibiotics and in severe cases surgical intervention.

Surgical intervention is necessary in the acute or emergent setting if gross perforation with widespread contamination occurs. Often requiring resection and colostomy or “the bag,” patients can suffer greatly depending on how severely the body responds to infection which has ensued. Occasionally, patients present with an acute attack and an abscess alone is found alongside the area of disease. These abscess are often treated with antibiotics and Cat Scan guided drainage alone and surgery may be avoided.

Chronic diverticulitis is the term used when more than one attack has occurred. Only a small percentage of patients who develop diverticulosis ever get diverticulitis. Only a small percentage of patients with one attack ever get a second attack. Once a second attack occurs, however, the recurrence rates climb and a discussion with your surgeon is warranted. While surgical intervention is not always warranted a discussion detailing the risks, benefits and options is important. Elective surgical intervention is met which much better short and long term results. Often accomplished with minimally invasive techniques and laparoscopy, patients often can go home in a few days. As a result, returning to their activities of daily living much sooner.

Dr. Tutela adheres to the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program. Which is proven to decrease surgical site infections, shorten hospitalization and lower complicated courses.

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