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Dr. Tutela

Asthma and GERD

Adult onset asthma has been forever associated with GERD.  Asthma is triggered by irritation of the airway. It is an overreactionNew Jersey Reflux Doctor of the bodies normal response to an irritant.  It can result in wheezing, pain and shortness of breath. If left untreated Asthma can result in respiratory failure and even death.  A recent review from the, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Journal, questions “(Asthma)Extraesophageal Symptoms…attributed to GERD…”  DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2018.02.001

A difficult scenario to navigate, Dr. Tutela, havs the experience to guide you through the process of appropriately diagnosing and treating your GERD related condition.  Testing the waters with prescription strength proton pump inhibitors/PPI’s (Prevacid,Nexium,Prilosec, Aciphex, etc..) often diagnoses this specialized condition of the GERD spectrum. Once diagnosed treatment can vary from treatment with an oral medication, to insertion of a medical device or even a more invasive surgical procedure.  

GERD can result in significant complications if left untreated.  Erosions and ulcers can occur. Respiratory distress and even precancerous conditions can result as well.  GERD or reflux is often dismissed as an annoyance and not a true disease that can have significant consequences.  The Surgical Associates of NJ, can assist in your diagnosis and treatment course.

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