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Proton- Pump Inhibitors linked to Depression

New Jersey GERD DoctorsInteresting new information relates Depression to Proton-pump inhibitors (PPI). PPI’s are commonly used as first line of treatment for GERD. Gut bacteria produce hormones and neurotransmitters which have an effect of the brain. Likewise, the brain, through stress or anxiety can have a profound effect on those same bacteria, creating a gut-brain axis. This recently published research suggest that PPI’s disrupt the gut’s bacteria which may play a major role in the bodies adaptive capability to respond to stress.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder has been linked with findings of specific bacteria living in your GI tract. While more studies are pointing to the numerous ways in which our gut bacteria may influence both our mental and emotional well-being, this recent study links certain medications to those findings. This study examined nearly 12,000 individuals and found correlation with depression and in those who had high cumulative daily doses of PPI’s. https://doi.org/10.1159/000485190

Currently, there are both medical and surgical options for GERD. The medical options start with dietary and lifestyle changes. The most common dietary triggers are caffeine, fats and chocolate. Triggers however differ with each individual and logging one’s episodes with a journal can assist with identifying causes. If these changes do not help patients achieve their goals, proton-pump inhibitors are often prescribed. As with any medications, proton-pump inhibitors can have dramatic side-effects and can lead to dependency and long-term use. As more and more individuals are taking these medications, our scientific community is discovering more long-term ramifications. In the above study a correlation between depression and PPI use has been revealed.

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