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Location: Fountain Valley
11100 Warner Ave. Suite 258, Fountain Valley, CA
Contact: (714) 868-6066

Dr. Tutela adheres to surgical best practices, enhanced recovery and national guidelines when he approaches the care involved in repairing your hernia.  Each hernia is different and requires an individualized approach for a successful repair. Successful repairs require highly specialized skills and techniques, in order to decrease operative time, decrease hospital length of stay, decrease recurrences and improve your recovery. 



Hernias occur in weak spots in the abdominal wall.  Through these areas of weakness, intestines, colon, bladder or other organs can push through.  If this occurs, urgent surgical treatment is absolutely required. Reducing the hernia and repairing it successfully are just one of the cornerstones of Dr. Tutela’s surgical practice.  Typically Dr. Tutela, repairs these hernias with minimally invasive, laparoscopic and robotically assisted techniques.

Dr. Tutela is one of few hand-selected surgeons to have enrolled in and completed DaVinci Robotics Luminary Compass Course.  Utilizing a “preperitoneal” approach, he never has to enter your abdomen to complete your hernia repair. He has been part of the revolutionary, Same-Day Complex Abdominal Wall Repair, in patients with the most difficult abdominal wall hernias.

Dr. Tutela’s training in Critical Care Surgery has elevated his practice to not only deal with the most complex hernias, but also care for his communities most ill patients.  His attention to detail and communication with his colleague physicians assures his patients with the best possible outcomes. He looks forward to prioritizing your care and giving you the best chance for a full and rapid recovery.


A bulge or lump in your abdominal wall is the most common complaint associated with a hernia.  When accompanied by pain, urgent attention should be sought. Often, it occurs during physical exertion.  Heavy lifting, coughing or chronic increases in abdominal pressure will produce these signs and symptoms.  



Diabetes, COPD, and Obesity are among the most common conditions which make hernias and recovery from hernia surgery more complex.  Dr. Tutela is adept at recognizing and along with his network of specialists, including your medical physicians, treating these conditions to make your recovery, leaps and bounds better than any one physician can provide.  


Once diagnosed, Dr. Tutela, will evaluate your condition.  Depending on your presentation and conditions, Dr. Tutela will discuss options, weigh the benefits and risks and help you decide your best course of action.  Each hernia and every patient has its own specific best direction for care. Dr. Tutela prioritizes your needs and tailors your care to offer the best possible outcomes.

Depending on the type, size and location of the hernia an array of options may be offered. Expert in offering minimally invasive, laparoscopic and Davinci Robotic  techniques, Dr. Tutela has become a premier expert in surgical hernia repair. He has been integral in bringing expert technical Minimally Invasive, Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction to our community in Central New Jersey and its accompanying Middlesex, Mercer, Union and Somerset Counties.  Separation of components or muscle advancement has often been associated with a prolonged and difficult recovery. In Dr. Tutela’s hands, it is often a same day procedure.



When contents protrude through a hernia and get stuck, that is called incarceration.  This typically warrants urgent action by your surgeon.  Dr. Tutela is experienced at manual reduction of these hernias and guide you through turning an emergent procedure to an urgent but elective procedure.  If left untreated organ injury may occur and occasionally resection of those organs is warranted.


If left untreated, incarcerated hernias can lead to strangulation of tissues.  A strangulated hernia will lose its blood supply to those organs and will become compromised.  Organ death will occur and exploratory surgery is required to correct the problem.

Types of Abdomial Hernias

Inguinal Hernia: The most common type of hernia occurs in the groin or inguinal region.  Through one of the abdominal walls, weakest points, an inguinal hernia may occur.

Incisional Hernia: Another common area hernias may occur is in the area of an old surgical incision.

Umbilical Hernia: An “Outie” Belly-button is actually a hernia.  The lump you may feel is typically fat pushing its way into your belly-button.  Like an inguinal hernia, intestines and other organs can protrude too.

Parastomal or Ostomy: The most common hernia which recurs. 

Hiatal Hernia

The most common cause of heartburn, reflux and GERD. Occurs deep within the abdomen, where the swallowing feeding tube or esophagus passes from the chest into the abdomen. A common  cause of heartburn,  reflux and GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease) a Hiatal Hernia can also cause obstructive complications associated with the stomach, intestine, colon and other organs.

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